Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas morn-A.K.A. Cousin Helen's 80th birthday surprise gathering

Jean is making omelette's! Yum!
Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
Bob surrounded by 3 of his favorite women.

family gathered together

Some of our family, gathered together, besides the Christmas tree in honor of Cousin Helen's 80th birthday!
We missed those of you that were not able to make it to Joanne & Peter's annual Christmas eve celebration & hope to see you there this coming Christmas for an even bigger and better family photo.
*Thanks to Mrs. Jones (Carli's mom) for the wonderful photography ! She does darn good work & you know we are not the easiest of portrait subjects to capture ...

Christmas/Christmas eve 2010

Christmas brought a visit from some guy dressed up as Santa. Something tells me this guy had very little association with the real Chris Cringle since that Santa would never do things like this while wearing the venerable red suit. (Did you know that Chris Cringle has his own facebook page?)